Thursday, February 21, 2008

The One About Adelina's Booty Mechanics

Adelina's Booty will be launched at 6pm today. In the meantime, here's how it works:

How do I play the game?

1.To play, log in at the main page using your IAHGames Passport account.

2.Once you’ve logged in, the search counter will display the amount of searches you have on this account.

3.You can now search. To search manually, click any of the ‘X’ on the map.

4.For a faster search, you can click the 1, 3, and 5 numbers on Adelina’s Compass. These buttons will execute an auto search for one, three, or five items.

5.The compass will spin and an icon will show what item you have found.

6.For a longer description of that item, you can click the “Booty List” button and see everything you have won.

1 comment:

timeedge said...

Woah... 189 searches left