Tuesday, June 09, 2009

The One About MeePokTah's Auction

MeePokTah's auction is coming up in 4 days' time! If you haven't already done so, do pre-register by emailing gse@iahgames.com

I'm reallyyyyy looking forward to this auction because MeePokTah himself will be auctioning off his valued 'GE treasures' collected from all over the region:


Some of his precioussss items include... Granado Espada Korean Novel


Super rare Korean Royalist VS Republican silver foil poster! There is also another poster that is yet another gem - a concept art poster which I don't have the photo of.

KR Poster

Hmm... what else? Oh, a Granado Espada water bottle from Philippines:


Then of course, the super limited edition 2009 GE diary with stickers:


And since MeePokTah is the King of All Things Auspicious, he absolutely insisted we auction off something auspicious. And so, what better item than our lil' Fortune Cat?

pet Meow?

I've gotten very fond of the slideshow function available in Flickr, so well, here's some of the other items available during the auction:

There's also one or two little surprises in the auction as well, but I'm not going to ruin the fun by revealing them here! ;)

More details about the auction available here.


Unknown said...

ah hrin...i would so love to be there for the auction...if not to bid for a diary and that GE novel.


and everything on uncle's merchandise loot. D:

Reimaru said...

i like the shirt and the novel book
too bad i can't go to Singapore =(

PJ Punla said...

aa~aah there was a novel? is it the illustrated type? sadly, I can't join the auction....

Oh, and please greet DeSanggria on her blog anniversary~

Lawrence said...

I want teh Meow~~~~and diary ._.

Kee Hui said...

Aw~ Look like I'm late again. Really want to get hands on the novel and the diary~


Francis said...

Wahhh... I want that water bottle too. :3