Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The One About The Birthday Sword

Well... it's my birthday today! Woohoo! 1 year less young! (Argh!)

And soooo... I'm gonna share a little sneak peek of the in-game event coming up tomorrow, otherwise known as Hrin & Lorenza's birthday bash! More like belated birthday though. This event had been previously scheduled for the beginning of the month but due to some refining to the system, it had to be postponed till now.

The birthday bash is an enhancement type of contest where active users (mule/invalid accounts have been filtered out) will be given a birthday sword to enhance. Different level of enhancements will give you different rewards at the end of the event. Tentatively, the event is scheduled to end on 24 September 2009 and the birthday sword will be removed from your inventory.

More details will be out tomorrow on the website, but here's the chart of rewards that the birthday sword wields:

birthday sword

On top of that, to supplement this event, there will also be a 30% discount on imperviums and enhancement boosters during this period!

Item Name Current Price Promotion Price
Enhancement Booster 550 GP 385 GP
+5 Impervium: Normal 9,900 GP 6,930 GP
+6 Impervium: Normal 11,000 GP 7,700 GP
+5 Impervium: Veteran 13,200 GP 9,240 GP
+6 Impervium: Veteran 16,500 GP 11,550 GP
+5 Impervium: Expert 14,300 GP 10,010 GP
+6 Impervium: Expert 17,600 GP 12,320 GP

Birthdays aside, I have something else to announce as well. I will be leaving IAHGames this 11 September 2009 to pursue my Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA) full-time in Glasgow, Scotland. It's gonna be pretty hectic since 11 Sept is my last day in Singapore as well - will be catching the night flight on that same last day of work!

With my departure, Lorenza will be taking over one of my roles - that of Granado Espada Regional Community Manager. The handover process is still in the works and once it's official, there will be a proper announcement etc. So stay tuned for that!

Frankly speaking, I've never been great at goodbyes. Despite being relatively articulate, I truly find myself at a loss of words as to what I will say in my last blog entry on Sept 11. So much to say, yet... some things are best left unsaid. Guess I will think about it over the next 2 weeks and try not to cry me a river when I type that last entry.

Take care, you guys. :)


OctoberOmicron said...

Happy Birthday! and good luck in pursuing your MBA in Scotland.

Colbourn Family said...

Happy Birthday!

and Thank you Hrin.

Rohs said...

Good luck take care... Will they change Hrin Potion to Lorenza Potion as well :/

Hrin said...

Thanks for the greetings!

Rohs: LOL!! Nah I don't think so. If they dare change it, I'll beat the crap out of them when I return! :p

Reno said...

Good luck and all the best to you in your MBA studies Hrin.

Orbians said...

Take care Hrin and wish you success. So what's Lorenza's blog?

MizunoSan said...

Thanks for everything and all the best for ur studies!

Ravenblitz said...

awwwwwwwwwwww don't be this last

Hawk said...

happy b-day! wow, it's good you're goin' for your masters, i wish best for ya, and hope ya come back soon ^_^

Snowhusky said...

happy bday!
and ... nuuuuuu you're leaving :(
I really enjoyed reading your blog.
good luck in your program! :D

Anonymous said...

Hrin, I'm going to miss you. :-( All the best for your studies!