Hi guys!
More updates in today’s news.
1) GE Timeline
Just to let you guys know, there has been a shift in the timeline of our GE schedule. Tentatively, here is the summarized version of the new schedule:
19th March 2007: End of Closed Beta Testing (CBT), CBT accounts and all characters will be wiped.
Late March/April 2007: Registration for Pre-Open Beta Testing (POBT) begins at this website.
2 days before POBT: Exclusive preview for contest winners and special guests, Characters will NOT be wiped.
Late May 2007: Pre-Open Beta Testing (POBT), Open to everyone, Characters will NOT be wiped.
June/July 2007: Open Beta Testing (OBT), Open to everyone, Characters will NOT be wiped.
2) V2.0 Client Download For POBT
We have plans to have BOTH a new client for V2.0 for new gamers to download as well as a 500+MB patch for the current 1.8.23 version. Tentatively, this patch will be split up into a few parts for download
3) Hrin’s ‘Industrial Attachment’ Plans
The CBT period has been an absolutely divine time for me. I’ve really enjoyed my time with you guys so far: from squadding with some of you random GE players that I’ve met during my grinding sessions, to participating in some of the events that you have organized, right down to old school ‘IRC’ style of just having a casual chat with you guys about where you come from and the person who you are behind the GE face.
One of the GE players was very kind to invite me to join his faction during the CBT period. While I have been enjoying my time with them, I would also love to spend time with the other factions as well so as to get to know all of you on a much deeper level! I do realize CBT is coming to an end, but this is the time to start making plans for Pre-OBT dudes! So do drop me an email inviting me to join the faction which you plan to open up in POBT. I will be spending time with each faction (first-come-first-serve basis) for a few weeks before being attached to the next faction and so on. ;)
3) Player-Organized Events
I’ve been noticing a lot of player-organized events that have been going on recently. Keep up the great work guys! I’m really proud of you. :)
In the meantime, do turn up for these events in order to show support and appreciation for your fellow GE gamers who have taken so much effort to organize them for your entertainment. Some of the upcoming events are things like ‘Hide and Seek’, ‘Shopping List’ and ‘Who wants to be a vis-illionaire?’ More details on these upcoming events can be found at the forums here. For the players who are organizing events, please feel welcome to approach me either in-game or via emails. I would really love to get involved with what you guys are planning. :)
4) CBT Finale LAN Party – 17th March 2007
Yes! To end CBT off with a bang, we will be having a CBT Finale LAN party on 17th March 2007! There will be some special in-game events being held on that day as well. Think XP boosts! Think never-seen-before items raining on the ground! Think ‘GE Gone Wild’! That's just a little teaser of what is to come. I will be giving out more details of this LAN party over the next few days once I get wind of more details.
5) Hrin’s GE Blog Skin Contest
I’ve set up my GE Blog over here: http://blogs.iahgames.com/hrin
I’ll be blogging ever so often about my mama-drama life at IAH, my adventures with you guys in GE, the hilarious emails I’ve been getting and so on. From what I’ve seen in the forums, I daresay there are a quite a few creative GE gamers out there. Thus, I will be hosting a GE Blog Skin Contest for you lovely GE fans to design my GE Blog skin for my GE Blog. I will be giving out more details of the blog skin contest on my blog over the next few days.