Friday, October 19, 2007

The One About Halloween & Ops Black

Halloween is just round the corner and we'll be having a Halloween in-game event from 25 October 2007-8 November 2007! It's gonna be one of those special event type of quest issued by an RNPC. The most exciting thing about it is that this is the FIRST time ever that kGE and jGE are holding the exact same event as us concurrently! kGE-jGE-sGE FTW! Talk about MCC, bond of trinity baby! More details will be out early next week once the patch has been uploaded to our test server and we have finished testing the event patch out.

Vanity Extravaganza has been extended by another week and male costumes at 20% discount will be added in as well. So you can look forward to that happening next week.

On a sadder note, Reborn Faction from Caravaggio, one of the very first pioneering factions in Granado Espada has disbanded on 14 October 2007. Although I don't play on Caravaggio, I read quite a bit about them here and there on players' blogs and on the forums. They wrote an entire history of their interactions with the various factions in Caravaggio. You can check it out over here.

For those in Singapore, here's something interesting that is an absolute must-go! A murder mystery Halloween party! It's known as Ops Black and held at Settlers Cafe. Settlers Cafe is a place I hold dear to my heart as it was a place I worked part time when I was still a poor struggling student in National University of Singapore (NUS). It's a boardgames cafe and they have over 200 board games, mostly imported from overseas. I recall my days of overnight board-gaming with my ex-colleagues and how it had such a warm, family feeling there - pretty much like how it is at IAHGames. It's like 'Cheers' (the comedy)... where everybody knows your name type of place.

Anyway, its menu looks like a Monopoly board and if you look real closely, you would notice 'Granado Espada' as one of the MRT stations on the food menu!

Tickets are REALLY limited so better buy them soon!

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