Monday, March 24, 2008

The One About IAHGames Upcoming Games!

It's gonna be a busy yet exciting year ahead for us. Some of you may have heard already - we will be launching FIFA 2 Online in the Quarter 3 of 2008. We are all very much excited about it!

As mentioned in the newspaper articles below, it's likely to be a Free to Play game, but gamers can purchase extras such as jerseys and improvements - like helping Liverpool's Peter Crouch shoot better.

But before we even hit Quarter 3 this year, the next game that we will be launching in Quarter 2 is Dragonica! It's a casual type MMORPG that is screaming with cuteness overload. I am aware that there are a lot of anime fans within the GE community so this might just be your cup of tea every Thursdays from 0900-1700hrs. (Yes! During GE maintenance time :p )

Dragonica's game developer is Barunson Interactive and their Korean publisher is NCSoft. Here's the promotional video:

MMOsite has done up a lovely feature section on it over here. Here are some of my fave screenshots from MMOsite:

We are currently undergoing Alpha testing with a select group of gamers and in the midst of completing localization. Closed Beta Testing will be launching pretty soon! Meanwhile, Dragonica website and forum are scheduled to be up by next month. I'll let you guys know when we have officially launched the website. In the meantime, you can also visit CM Kaye's Dragonica blog for more information and updates!

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