Thursday, October 02, 2008

The One About World Migration & V2.9 Updates

Needless to say, if I haven't blogged for a while, it usually means I am drowning in so much work that I can barely come up to the surface to breathe, or rather blog... Which is such a pity, really. Cos the repressed writer in me has so much inspired blog material in my head lately that I wish could materialize on this virtual canvas.

Anyway, some quick updates. There might be some slight delays in world migration. Due to a lot of feedback from the community and from partners that they would like an additional amount of time to arrange their items and to inform their inactive friends, there is a high chance we will be postponing the world migration till the following week on Monday, 13 October 2008 instead. At the same time, we are also trying to work out some additional mechanics with IMC in regard to some other issues mentioned in the forum. When things are more firmed up, the announcements will be posted up. Right now, we're trying to confirm everything by tomorrow to announce it.

And if this is the case, then V2.9 will likely to be delayed as well till Thursday, 23 October 2008. On the bright side, we have just installed V2.9 on our test server this morning... but arghhh! There are some localization integration issues so oh well... yet more QA testing to be done, more bugs to fix and more tasks to pick up...

Dang I want a real life Grabbermon...

Presenting Mama & Baby Grabbermons 'Live' from V2.9 Test Servers

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