Thursday, February 08, 2007

So. My laptop crashed and burned. #!?@#%^@%

One of those traumatizing life lessons where the moral of the story is to back up all your data every single day. My bleeding heart...

Anyway, moving along to happier times: CBT is just next week! And here is the FAQ for CBT like I promised:

i) Closed Beta Testing (CBT) FAQ

1) Which version of Granado Espada will be used for CBT?


2) Will Granado Espada be free to play (F2P)?

We are still in discussion about this.

3) When will Open Beta Testing (OBT) be out?

In a few months' time. Check back here for updates.

4) Which version will be used for OBT?

Tentatively, V2.0

5) How many realms (servers) will there be for CBT?

Due to overwhelming response for CBT sign ups, we have decided to standby an additional 2 more realms. Effectively, there will be 3 realms: Cerventes, Carracci, Caravaggio. However, we will be opening one realm at a time. Once the first realm is filled up, we will then open the second realm and so on.

6) Will there be any in-game events during CBT?

Yes, there will be a major in-game event scheduled in March. More details will be given at a later date. In the meantime, throughout the course of the CBT period, we may be holding ad-hoc in-game events as well. We will keep you guys informed through the website.

7) When will the CBT invitations be given out?

They will be sent out this week. So do remember to regularly check your emails.

8) How long will CBT last?

Tentatively, 3 weeks.

9) Will there be a server wipe after CBT?


10) What are we (those selected to participate in CBT) supposed to do for CBT?

You guys are the 'chosen ones' to test out Granado Espada for bugs. The purpose of having a closed beta testing is for gamers to discover and most importantly, to inform us of the bugs in the game that will affect game play experience. In this way, we can fix the bugs and improve the game for you guys.

ii) IRC Channels

Undecided about which combination of classes to play? Need to vent your pent-up frustrations about how you can't wait to play Granado Espada (I know how you feel... welcome to my world...)? For those on the Galaxynet server, a group of GE fans have set up channel #granadoespada.

At the same time, the Granado Espada International Community has set up their official IRC channel on Rizon (, channel which I will be popping by at night every now and then to answer any questions you may have.

iii) Your emails!

Thanks for all your emails! It’s always a pleasure hearing from GE fans. A sincere word of thanks goes out to the readers who emailed me in regard to some graphical errors on the website. The marketing team has already resolved this issue. And of course, thanks to all those who sent me 'my fave type of emails' ;)

The most unforgettable email I received which sent me into laughing fits, was from this dude:

"first of all, i think you're really hot.. seriously, i will be your slave if you want me to.. i hope i can make it to become one of the beta testers.. and i hope the CB gets on this valentines.. i'll make a 'Hrin' family and a guild that will be purposedly build to worship you only.. ciao.. ja ne.. later.."

Uh huh... Right... what on earth would such a guild be doing when they are not grinding or questing?!

Sing Britney Spears' "I'm a slave for you" hymns in the Cite De Reboldoeux streets every Sunday?!

...Or chant Hrin-ma Sutra scriptures? "Hey Hrin... You're hot! - HealthySpam 3:16"

In any case, methinks The Queen of Vespanola would probably stone me for this... ;)

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